Category Archives: News

Brian Campbell, Ronney Abramson & friends at Mariposa Café Sat. Apr 7

I’ll be alternating sets with Ronney Abramson at this lovely, bohemian music café Saturday night at 7.  Accompanying me will be Cathy Watt, vocals and Phil Peters, bass.  Details in the sidebar to the right.


Most Mondays these days I play music at the Depanneur Cafe, which happens to be close to where I live in Montreal’s Mile End. It’s a homey place with a couple of decent mikes and sound system, and musicians play there throughout the day. Most of the patrons are laptop nomads or there to meet friends, write, doodle, read books — so it’s like public practice, as it were. But more often than not I earn attentive listeners, and often sell CD’s or interest them in an upcoming event. The other week a photo enthusiast named Thomas Colin took pictures with his fine Sony camera; the following week, an artist named Sophie Jama did some watercolours in her sketch pad. I gave them free CD’s. If you want to drop in and see me play, I’m there Mondays between noon and 1pm.


“Slick” in “Weather Watching”

The other artistic spinoff from the anthology “Refugium”, my poem “Slick” was among those incorporated into “Weather Watching”, an exhibit of sculptural coracles by artist Erika Grimm that hung from the rafters of the White Rock Museum and Archives in White Rock, BC. in February and March of 2018.

For the record

I’ve been ignoring this web site for a while — spreading most of my news and events on Facebook — but updating it recently, I thought, well, this news page could be a useful record. So that’s what I’ll use it for, while my blog, Out of the Woodwork, which years ago was extremely active, will serve for entries of occasional reflections.

What’s New?

So what’s up now?  While my latest manuscript seeks publication, I’m in an in-between state.  A new creative project:  a series of ekphrastic poems on paintings and sculptures in my house. So far, in the last couple of weeks, I’ve done five, including a homage to a dead friend, a surrealist cat, a humanesque figure made of paint squiggles.  Most of these are works that I’ve lived with for years, done by friends. The only two artists that are at all well known are Barbara Sala and Nathalie Trépanier.  Many are abstract.   Some I doubt really work without viewing the works they are inspired by.  If I do enough of these, and I’m really happy with them, I’ll publish them with photos of the works on line and eventually, in a rather pricey limited edition chapbook.  A beautiful, if rather personal, project.

A heart-felt endorsement…

shy anthologyWrote Eve Krakow, one of the contributors to the Shy Anthology, to its editors (and she gave me permission to quote this), “…I too have been reading through the anthology and I’m amazed at how much I recognize myself in these stories and poems. It is something of a revelation. Maybe I’ve read stories with this character type before, but it’s quite different to have a whole book of them. Wow. Thanks for putting this together!”
You couldn’t imagine a more heart-felt endorsement than that.  Eve, Jeff Miller and I are organizing the anthology’s Montreal launch on Nov.  11 (this comment of hers was part of our five-way correspondence.)
Details of the launch in the post below.